Illustration of a Bird

CV glyph icon

Aalborg Symphony Orchestra

29th of May to 1st of June 2024

Reference from last month’s premiere, recorded with 7-camera setup, but yet un-mixed.

Concert masters Yana Deshkova and Vesselin Demirev 🇧🇬🇩🇰🇧🇷

C​omposed and arranged by Mathias Madsen Munch.

One of the abstract sequences from the concert, where Summer turns to Winter.

Our concert last month integrated animation and the audience into a tale of the ​Nordic forests. More than 5.000 attended the premiere in Aalborg.

The work also holds narrative songs through-out the 45 minute interactive concer​t.

Aarhus Symphony Orche​stra

25th of to 28th of October ​2023

Last Fall more than 5.000 audiences attended the performances with Aarhus Symphony ​Orchestra. An interactive show where the audience decides the development.

Ouverture of ‘The Neverending Maze’. The 50 minute concert was nominated for ​the prestigious award CARL PRISEN. This Fall, the concert is nominated as ‘best ​international concert for children and families’ by the Yam Association.

Composed by Mathias Madsen Munch; arranged by Thomas Bryła.



In 2024 Mathias Madsen ​Munch was the most ​performed living composer of ​new music for orchestras in ​Denmark with more than 10 ​hours of music performed ​across the symphony ​orchestras in Aalborg and ​Aarhus. This Fall Mathias will ​expand his works to the ​acclaimed Danish Radio Big ​Band, to cross genres with his ​narrative concerts about ​nature,​ mythology and man.

Munch often performs in his own concerts as keytarist, wirelessly controlling visuals, ​symphonic organs, sound design, music. Photo from Aalborg Symphony Orchestra

Find more info about the composer on


The Danish Arts ​Foundation

Danish Culture Institute

Instituto Cultural

da Dinamarca

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Enlightenment and ​Engagement fund (OpEn)

Viborg Animation Festival
